Euro Football Rumours

Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries

Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries – Season 2023/2024

Football Salaries
Football Salaries

Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries?

What are the Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries for Season 2023/2024?

Which Eintracht Frankfurt players are the highest paid?

We spent countless hours over the last few months tracking football player movement and digging through every possible article regarding Eintracht Frankfurt we could get our hands in an attempt to bring you this list. Please note that these amounts are approximate and in no way official but we believe that through our research we can present this important information as close to accurate as you will find without seeing the signed contracts themselves.

We present to you list of the Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries for 2023/2024 season (weekly wages) and the most important information and details regarding Eintracht Frankfurt football players contracts.

Eintracht Frankfurt 2023-24 Payroll

Player Gross Weekly Wages
Mario Götze £57,000
Kevin Trapp £57,000
Lucas Alario £41,000
Sebastian Rode £41,000
Robin Koch £41,000
Jens Petter Hauge £33,000
Philipp Max £33,000
Tuta £25,000
Makoto Hasebe £23,000
Timothy Chandler £20,000
Kristijan Jakić £18,000
William Pacho £14,000
Éric Ebimbe £12,000
Ansgar Knauff £9,500
Aurélio Buta £8,000
Eric Junior Dina Ebimbe £7,300
Marcel Wenig £4,900
Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries
Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries

Important information regarding Eintracht Frankfurt

Eintracht Frankfurt e.V. is a German sports club based in Frankfurt, Hesse, that is best known for its football club, currently playing in the Bundesliga, the top tier of the German football league system.

The club was founded in 1899. Since 1925, their stadium has been the Waldstadion, which was renamed Deutsche Bank Park for sponsorship reasons.

Euro Football Rumours

*Editor’s Note: It is extremely hard to find official Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries. Through a lot of research, we were able to get as close as we possibly could to prepare a list of the Eintracht Frankfurt Players Salaries for 2023/2024 season with the correct salaries. The salary numbers are the best representation of all of our research.