Euro Football Rumours

Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries

Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries – Season 2023/2024

Football Salaries
Football Salaries

Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries?

What are the Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries for Season 2023/2024?

Which Athletic Bilbao players are the highest paid?

We spent countless hours over the last few months tracking football player movement and digging through every possible article regarding Athletic Bilbao we could get our hands in an attempt to bring you this list. Please note that these amounts are approximate and in no way official but we believe that through our research we can present this important information as close to accurate as you will find without seeing the signed contracts themselves.

We present to you list of the Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries for 2023/2024 season (weekly wages) and the most important information and details regarding Athletic Bilbao football players contracts.

Athletic Bilbao 2023-24 Payroll

Player Gross Weekly Wages
Iñaki Williams £190,000
Ander Herrera £129,000
Yuri £71,000
Unai Simón £71,000
Nico Williams £58,000
Dani García £46,000
Oihan Sancet £42,000
Yeray £40,000
Iker Muniain £37,000
Raúl García £35,000
Óscar de Marcos £30,000
Asier Villalibre £30,000
Álex Berenguer £30,000
Dani Vivian £20,000
Íñigo Lekue £17,000
Mikel Vesga £17,000
Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries
Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries

Important information regarding Athletic Bilbao

Athletic Club, also commonly known as Athletic Bilbao, is a professional football club based in the city of Bilbao in the Basque Country (Spain). They are known as Los Leones (The Lions) because their stadium was built near a church called San Mamés (Saint Mammes). Mammes was an early Christian thrown to the lions by the Romans. Mammes pacified the lions and was later made a saint.

Athletic have won La Liga on eight occasions, fourth most in the history of the league.

Euro Football Rumours

*Editor’s Note: It is extremely hard to find official Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries. Through a lot of research, we were able to get as close as we possibly could to prepare a list of the Athletic Bilbao Players Salaries for 2023/2024 season with the correct salaries. The salary numbers are the best representation of all of our research.